Tuesday, August 21, 2012

21 August 2012

Today the students had a Nutrition Pre-test that we took after they finished their JOURNAL ENTRY: I read them the story of Sean O'Hair and his abusive dad, and asked them to respond to the story. 
I reminded the students that their vocab is listed on the blog and is DUE on Friday. Also that the blog assignment is due to my inbox by 1st period tomorrow morning -NO exceptions. I went over the directions once again on how to get to this via the blog's directions. 
I also mentioned to them the idea of me purchasing their book review books from them if they decide they don't want to hold on to them after they've initially read them. At a hugely discounted price of course! :)  And I suggested they check out Bookman's and Goodwill for the titles that may fit their fancy.  We are doing SSR tomorrow, so the students should have books in hand and be ready to go.  There just might be another book check. (wink wink, nudge nudge)