Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today the kids finished up the ATI testing from yesterday so that classes were pretty smart.  I had the kids that were either not prepared or absent present their papers today.  After that they were allowed to have free time.  Here's the video on the world's toilet crisis from Vanguard on Current TV.CAUTION: SOME STRONG LANGUAGE AND SCENES

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday 12/11/12

Today the students who brought their rough drafts in for review by their peers had that happen today. Their names were written down and they will receive 5 points extra credit for their efforts. After the review, they then watched a video on Meningitis and were required to take notes on the video. The papers are due tomorrow. We will begin presenting on tomorrow as well.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Today the students began working on typing their papers that are due tomorrow for the Peer Review in class. There will be points assigned to the peer review so it is important to have something to go over in class. Wednesday we will began the presentations to the class without exception. Don't forget to work on your extra credit item if you have any. I have a few note cards, but you are advised to buy your own and dole them out to your classmates as you see fit.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Tomorrow we are going to the computer lab to work on your peer review edition of your research paper. Wednesday, the final copy is due.