Tuesday, December 7, 2010

7 Dec 10

Today, the students began working on chapter 21 Lesson Reviews for all three lessons for the chapter. If they did not finish the work from yesterday, it was all due today at the end of class. So, what they would be turning in is the Lesson reviews for both Chapter 21 and 22 #'s 1-3 for each chapter. A total of 18 questions turned in. Paraphrased or written out as usual.

3+6 Dec 10

Friday, the students presented their health health articles.
Monday the students finished reading the text chapter 21 on Tobacco and started working on the lesson reviews for chapter 22. The assignment was to complete lesson reviews for section 1-3 #'s 1-3 for each lesson review.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

2 Dec 10

Today the students reviewed drug/alcohol interactions as many of them were unaware of what that term means.
We went over lots of alcohol information today as well. The students were reminded that if they were absent on Wednesday that they could come in and work during lunch to work on the missed assignment(s) if they chose to do so. After today, there will be no more chances to make up missed work.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

30 Nov 1-Dec

30 Nov-the students finished reading Chapter 22 and worked on #'s 1, 3, 5, 8, 11 and 12. of Recalling the Facts portion of the Chapter review.
Period 4 finished watching the video on teen alcohol abuse.

1 Dec-today the students were given the opportunity to work on any missing assignment for credit. This is the one and ONLY time that this will happen for the rest of the Semester and the students were highly encouraged to work on something.

Health article is due on Friday.

Monday, November 29, 2010

29 Nov 10

Today the students had a journal entry that asked if they had $10,000 to spend on their parents, what would they do for them and why?
The students that missed the test on Wednesday made it up today.
We read the first two sections of Chapter 22 (alcohol)
Health article was assigned for Friday.
Period 4 watched the video on Teenage drinking and driving since they missed it last week because of the Army presentation.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

24 Nov 10

Today the students were reminded that there would be a test tomorrow. It's going to be easy! We went over the information needed on the test, and they had the opportunity to study if they chose to do so. Chapter 7, 8 and 9 will be covered on the test.

Friday, November 19, 2010


The students had been assigned Vocabulary: Susceptible, Elation, procrastinate, competence, affiliation, amends and conscience. They were to be defined and used in sentences as always for a reward on Friday.
They had a trivia question on Thursday.
Periods 1-3 watched a video titled Smashed that dealt with teenage alcohol use and the after effects. If the students were not present for the video they are to make up the points received from the notes by doing a health article dealing with the topics of Alcohol use and abuse, and or teenage driving issues.
4th period-the students had a presentation by Army Drill Sargent Robinson and will either watch the video on Friday or Monday depending on how well they completed their vocab on Friday.
Friday-The students turned in their vocab and either were rewarded or they worked on Chapter 9 chapter review #'s 1-12 from the Recalling the Facts portion. They also turned in their video notes if they had not done so on Thursday.
2. Follow this link to the New York Times Website: http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/01/what-does-change-look-like-making-documentaries-about-school/
3. Follow this link for the article: "4,100 students prove 'small is better' rule wrong": http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/28/education/28school.html
4. Answer the following questions regarding the article:
*What did teachers at Brockton High School do to change the school? What happened as a result?
*What steps did some of the school’s teachers take to implement change? Why did some teachers resist the new teaching methods?
*What rules, policies and practices were put in place to support the new approach at Brockton?
*How is Brockton High School, as the reporter describes it, “an exception to what has become received wisdom in many education circles”?

This homework (both the Eye on the Media) and the NYT assignment are due on Monday without fail!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

17 Nov 10

Today the students had a journal entry that asked if you could wake up tomorrow having gained a new ability or quality (real), waht would it be and why? I also assigned a homework assignment that is accessible through the Glencoe.com link. It is the Eye on the media assignment for Chapter 7. Here are the directions for getting to the assignment:
Go to glencoe.com
select Az as your state, and click on the student parent button
then select Health and fitness
Then select High school health
Then select health 2007
Click the online edition
under chapter activities select chapter 7
from there select the Eye On the Media option and follow the directions listed

students were reminded to do their vocab and they had ssr for the remainder of the class period

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

15-16 Nov

Monday the students had a pop quiz on the presentation on Wednesday from the MHA (Mental Health Arizona). Those quizzes were graded in class and must be made up before Wednesday as they are going to be included on your Progress report grades which are due on Wednesday as well.
We also began reading parts of Chapter 7 (Mental Health) and Chapter 8 (Mental Health Disorders) Vocab was assigned and the student also had a Journal entry that asked if you witnessed a teacher hitting/beating another student what would you do?
Tuesday the students finished reading the Chapter 8 assignment, and we went over how to access the online edition of the current text. We/I am so excited about this I cannot wait to assign web homework now! More instructions on utilizing will come in the coming days as I familiarize myself with the site. Today the students had a trivia question.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10 Nov 10

Today the students had a presenter from Mental health America Arizona. They were asked/encouraged to take note as they will be quizzed on the presentation on Monday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

8-9 Nov

Monday the students had the opportunity to run/walk the track for 20 minutes to earn some extra credit points for every lap completed.

Tuesday-The chapter 7 book work was graded and put in the computer along with the extra credit points from Monday. They were not assigned a health article this week due to it being a short week, but tomorrow they will have a speaker to talk wth them about Mental Health Issues and Suicide prevention.

5 Nov 10

Today the kids presented their health articles to the class. With the reminder that they would be on the track on Monday for some extra credit.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

4 Nov 10

Today the students worked on Chapter 7 in the text. They were to complete the Chapter Review numbers 1-12 from page 194. They were to just write out the words for #'s 8,9,10 but otherwise write out or paraphrase the questions for the rest of the questions. They were reminded that the health article is due tomorrow and that on Monday to wear comfy fitness friendly clothes because they will be doing physical activity for extra credit since their grades are a bit low at this time.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3 Nov 10

Today the students read Chapter 7 (Mental Health) and were reminded of the health article due on Friday.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2 Nov 10

Today the students played Jeopardy that covered the units we've already covered up to today. It was a crazy day, with lots of histrionics! The students are reminded that their health articles are due this Friday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

1 Nov 10

Today the students were passed back their tests, grades were posted and discussed, and they had a journal entry that asked if you believe that marijuana is a gateway drug, why or why not. Health articles are due this Friday.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

28 Oct 10

Today we went over what is going to be on the test tomorrow. Fitness Test Chapter 4. They alsoo had a trivia question today as well. The students were reminded that the Vocab is due on Friday and they will be doing community service if they do not turn in their homework.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Tuesday the kids finished working on the Chapter 4 lesson reviews and they were reminded of the vocab being due on Friday. The vocab words are: Aerate, bigamy, circumcision, dictator, edema, fibrous, gimmick, histrionics, ignoramous, jinx, kibbuts, leprosy.

Wednesday- the students learned how to calculate their target heart rate zones and their bmi's.

Monday, October 25, 2010

25 October

FRIDAY-the students presented their health articles, and turned in their blog assignments. With the realization that many students did not complete the blog assignment, there will be more blog assignments in the future to encourage visiting this blog.

MONDAY-Vocabulary was assigned today:1. Aerate, bigamy, circumcision, dictator, edema, fibrous, gimmick, histrionics, ignoramus, jinx, kibbutz, leprosy.
The words are to be used in sentences and defined for full credit.
Journal entry today: students were asked: what is your most memorable moment with a family member.

Today we finished reading chapter 4 in the text (fitness) and tomorrow the students will work on completing the lesson reviews for lessons 3-5 for the chapter review. They will also learn how to calculate their heart rates.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

20-21 October

Wednesday- the students were walked through step by step how to get to this blog and shown their blog assignment homework for Friday. They had SSR yesterday as well. They were also reminded that they have a health article due on Friday too.

Thursday-today the students began reading Chapter 4 (Fitness) and today we read sections 1 and 2 and they completed the lesson reviews for both Lessons today in class. They were to keep the papers OR turn them in for completion on Monday. I'm doing it this way to hopefully insure that we have more participation in getting the work assignments done.

They also had a journal entry that asked: If your friend were almost always late would you resent it or simply allow for it? What do you think will happen when you are working a job? Is this behavior going to be tolerated?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

18-19 October

Monday the students had a journal entry that asked what they were most proud of in their lives.
We went over what was going to be on the test on Tuesday.

Tuesday the students had their Nutrition test. Health articles are due on Friday.

BLOG HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: follow this link http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/05/a-troubling-trend-discussing-bullying-and-antigay-attitudes/
read the following article : http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/04/us/04suicide.html

Answer these questions : Questions For discussion and reading comprehension:
1. Eliza Byard, executive director of the gay and lesbian education network, is quoted as saying, “People get enough signals about ‘how wrong it is to be gay’ without anyone in those communities actually having to say so.” What kinds of signals do you think Ms. Byard is referring to?
2. Are you surprised by the statistic that 9 out of 10 gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender teenagers suffered from verbal or physical harassment in 2009?
3. Why do you think some blame for these boys’ deaths has been put on adults, including educators, “hate groups” and religious leaders? Do you think these people played a part in the deaths of these boys?
4. Do you agree or disagree with Dan Savage that there is a connection between “antigay rhetoric” in the culture and bullying at school?
5. The school where one teen took his life held tolerance and antibullying programs. What, if anything, do you think needs to be and can be done to make sure that no more young people take their lives as a result of bullying?


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

11-12 October

Monday-We went over some nutrition information to finish out the unit. Vocab was assigned and is due on Thursday since it is Grading Day on Friday. Vocab: Mediate, narcissistic, obligation, perception, quadraplegic, realm, scarce, tedious, ultimatum, vendetta, wharf (words must be used in a sentence as well as defined)
They also had a journal entry that asked: if you were trapped in the Chilean mine, and you had a chance to give and recieve a message from and to anyone, what would it be and to whom, and also what one thing would you HAVE to have with you down there?

Tuesday-today the students watched a video on Fat Camp and took notes for credit, those that are not in class today will have to do a make-up health article regarding obesity for the same credit. All make-up work must be turned in the following day.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

7 October 10

Today the students had a journal entry that asked if your house was on fire, and you had one chance to go back and get some things, what would you get and why? Assume pets and humans are already safe.

They also worked on Chapter 5 chapter review #'s 1-12 and RTF 4,7,10 and STP(don't write out) and don't do #3 for STP. All other questions have to be written out or paraphrased.

health articles are due tomorrow. They also will start presenting their extra credit health book reports tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6 October

Today the students worked on calculating their BMR's. the calculation is a pretty simple one, but seems to give the students trouble. Here it is:
Boy-Wt X 11 Girl -Wt X 10 = BMR CALORIES
Multiply BMR CALORIES by the activity percentage below
inactive-.30 active-.50 very active-.75
(the number should be smaller) AND round up or down no need for decimals

They calculate their digestion calories by adding their answers for step 1 and step 2 and then multiplying that number by .1 (answer is significantly smaller....in the hundreds)

Step 4 is adding all of the numbers together= BMR calories + Activity calories + Digestion calories.

they also had a trivia question today. SSR tomorrow and Health Articles are due on Friday!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4-5 October

Health Article assigned for Friday. We began continued reading Chapter 5 (nutrition) and had a trivia question.
Tuesday-We finished reading Chapter 5 and had a journal entry that asked what is the most death-defying thing they would hope to do in their lives.

Friday, October 1, 2010

29 Sept -1 October

On Wednesday the students had a test that covered Chapter 29 and the movie The Inconvenient Truth.

Thursday, the tests were returned to the students, and we began reading Chapter 7 (nutrition)
Response journal
Friday, we watched I eat 33,000 calories a day and the students took notes on it for credit. Vocab was also turned in.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

27-28 Sept 10

27- the students were rewarded with a free day for their compliance with the standards on Friday. The other students went and helped Ms. Curtis do some housekeeping in theWellness Center.

28- Today the students were passed back all of their graded work, passes and the information on the test on Wednesday. We went over the AIT worksheet and the Chapter 29 text work that is going to be on the test.

Vocab was assigned and is due on Friday: Accentuate, beggar, chivalry, debate, eccentric, fecal, genitalia, hepatitis, idle, jicama, keen, lecture (words are to be defined and used in a sentence)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

23 Sept 2010

Today the students had a journal entry that asked them to give their opinion on the Malaria Crisis in Africa. They also had a 1 page free write for these questions: What effect did An Inconvenient Truth have on you? What specific actions, if any have you taken or will take as a result of the movie?
Students are reminded that Health Articles are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

22 Sept 2010

Today the students turned in the worksheet from the video and worked SSR. Reminded the students about Health Article due on Friday.

Monday, September 20, 2010

20 Sept 2010

Today the students that were not present on Friday turned in their vocab and their journal and trivia entries. Today the students began watching An Inconvenient Truth since we've just read about Environmental issues in our text. They have been given a list of questions to answer during the movie, and will be tested on the information once finished.

Friday, September 17, 2010

17 Sept 10

Today the students turned in their vocabulary, and or walked the track. They are reminded that the health article for next week is due on Friday. I collected the journal and trivia entries today as well. Passes for attendance will be handed out on Monday.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

16 Sept. 10

Today the students had a Journal entry that asked if they went to a friend's house for dinner, and found a roach in their meal, what would they do about it. They also completed the Chapter 29 Chapter review Recalling the facts Questions 1-8. The work was due at the end of class.
Reminder....vocab is due on Friday!!!!! Let's get the 70% for the first time!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 Sept 10

Today the students finished reading chapter 29, and then we had a SSR book check and had SSR for the remainder of the class today. They were reminded that vocab is due on Friday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

14 Sept

Today the students were returned their first test. They are reminded of the vocab due on Friday and the book checks on Wednesday. Also reminded of the extra credit review being due on the 6th of October, not the 7th. They had a trivia question this morning.

10+13 Sept

Friday the students presented their health articles and due to the pep rally were giving a buy on the walking the track for non compliance. Monday the students were assigned new vocab: Macabre, naive, obituary, pacify, quadriceps, radiant, sabbatical, tarnish, ukelele, vacant, waddle, xenophobe. The sentences and definitions are to be turned in on Friday. The students also had a journal entry that asked if they could have any dinner guest over, who would they pick and why? They are reminded of the SSR Book check on Wednesday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9 Sept 10

Today the students had a journal entry that asked why do or do they not attend and support our student athletes? and we went over the bookwork from yesterday, and we discussed what will be on the test on Monday. Tomorrow is the Pep Rally! Also told the students about the fact that if they earn a 93 or better on going into the final that they don't have to take the final at all. Further encouragement for them doing the Book Review/ Summary.

8 Sept 10

Today the students finished working on their Chapter 26 text assignment. They had a trivia today as well. They were given the extension date of 7 October for the Book Review/Summary and a more in depth list of titles to choose from.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

7 Sept. 10

After a long Holiday Weekend we are back. I'm sorry about not posting Friday's Activities. On Friday the students had a trivia question which was to spell the word Hereditary. They then turned in their vocabs and walked the track for the remainder of the class period for non compliance with the homework rules and standards.

Today, we finished reading Chapter 26 and if time permitted began working on the chapter review for the chapter.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

2 Sept 10

Yesterday the kids had SSR and those that had not presented their posters/collages on the 6 components of health did so.

Today 2 sept 10
The students began to read chapter 26 together, and were reminded that the vocab (70%) is due tomorrow! They had a journal entry which asked if they had 14.6 million dollars, what would they do with it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

31 August 10

Today the students had a journal entry (story about mark McGuire) Asked them to write about what they felt regarding steriod use in professional sports. They were given time to finish their collages and they had to present their work to the class.

30 August 10

Today the kids had a trivia question as bell work. They worked on their Health Component collages today. The assignment was to select pictures that represent the six components of health.

27 August 10

Friday my computer was down and also on Monday. So here's what happened. The kids presented their health articles to the class. They were also given a journal entry that asked how do they feel about the treament of celebrities with regard to the justice system.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

26 August 10

Today the students went over their chapter 1 chapter review text work, grades were updated and they were actually given an opportunity to turn in the blog assignment by Friday for half the points, since the homework is weighted more heavily than the classwork and therefore affecting their grades negatively. They were also reminded about the health article that is due tomorrow. The extra credit is also due by tomorrow. No donations will be given credit after tomorrow. They are also ENCOURAGED to get a health Non-Fiction book to read and report on for extra credit. This extra credit is due just before Progress, and will be the LAST opportunity for extra credit!

25 august 10

Today the students were given the journal entry of what is the most exciting thing they've ever done, or hoped to do in the future. based on the story Extreme Measures from Hate Mail from Cheerleaders. They were also given general information on health based on the reading of Chapter 1 in the text.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

24 August 10

Today the students worked on finishing their bookwork from Chapter 1 Chapter review. They were reminded of the Health Article assignment that is due on Friday. They were also reminded about the extra credit donations to the classroom are due this Friday as well. No exceptions. They also had their first Trivia Question today.

23 August 10

Today the kids did a journal entry in their composition books that asked if they could have the starring role in any movie already produced, what would it be and why. Started reading Chapter 1 and worked on the chapter review #'s 1,5,7-14 RTF 5+8 and STP questions. They are write out or paraphrase the questions for future use as a study guide.

Friday, August 20, 2010

20 August 10

Hey everyone! The weekend's here! Today I collected a sparce number of the blog assignment homework that was due today. It seems that many of you are not able to access this site just yet.
Today book numbers were assigned as well as the Book Masters for the upcoming week. I also passed out the extra passes to those that earned them. The students read Chapter 1 sections 1 and 2 today while I continued to set up making the grade (which is up and running now) Next week the students will have a Health Article due. It will be assigned on Monday and due the following Friday. All work turned in should be graded this weekend and put in the computer by the end of Monday and students should be able to check their grades by Tuesday at the latest. Have a good weekend, and I hope you go to the Welcome Back Dance and have a blast!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


8-17- I had the students diagram an envelope for delivery. Just checking to see if you all have the life skills necessary to actually mail correspondence to someone. We talked about the importance of bieng able to do such things in such a technologically advanced world. I also asked the students to answer a few questions on a separate sheet of paper to turn in to me.
1. How do you feel about the state of health for Americans in this day and age? Do you feel technology has helped or hindered this situation.
2. How do you feel this can be changed?
3. How do you think you "are" physically speaking? And what can you do to improve this?

8-18- today the students completed SSR and were reminded that they can turn in materials for extra credit for the class. they were assigned the homework of checking out this site and listing my favorites for credit.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How this thing will work

My hope for you in using this blog, is that you will find that this is a tool that will help you stay on top of your assignments in the event that you are absent from class for any length of time. I will list the daily assignments and possibly include the weekly assignments here as well. I hope that you will find this a useful tool that will help insure that you stay up to date in what's going on in the classroom. I will do my very best to update this information before I leave school for the day, that way the information is guaranteed to be correct and true. Thanks.

Welcome to Health Class!

I wanted to first start off by saying welcome to Health Class! I know that we will have a good time in class this semester and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I hope to build great working relationships with you all. I promise you, you will learn a lot in this class and hopefully enjoy yourself while doing it. Anywhoooo.....Here's your assignment: On a piece of paper write down the following information: Ms. Addison's Favorite Things. Restaurant: La Parilla Suiza, Deserts: Creme brulee-B&R's Gold Medal Ribbon ice cream, Music: Lauren Hill,Vintage Michael Jackson,Vintage Prince,Metallica (you read it right!) Movies: Crimson Tide (My husband Denzel),Jerry Maguire,The Fugitive,The Tyler Perry Madea Series. Celebs: Jada Pinkett-Smith,Chef Gordon Ramsey (my other husband) and Paula Deen. I told you that you'd learn a lot about me! See ya in class tomorrow....with bells on, I'm sure! Don't forget your reading materials for SSR on Wednesday.