Wednesday, May 18, 2011

18 May 2011

Today the students and I went over the final. Word for word! They had the remainder of the short period to look up and study any questions they were unclear about. They will have their final on Friday.

Monday, May 16, 2011

16 May 2011

Today the students went over the anatomy worksheets for the male and female bodies. We will go over the worksheets tomorrow and go over the final on Wednesday. They were also given their 4th quarter grades along with the grade requirements for the final.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

12 May 11

Today the students completed the Chapt. 10 Chapt. Review #'s 1-10. They were also given time to study for the Final on the 20th. Papers were all passed back and grades posted. Tomorrow I will collect the Journal entries and include today's bookwork in the grades for the final grades to be calculated for the final. Here are the Journals you should have: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAD ONE HOUR TO LIVE? IF YOU WERE 18 AND COULD CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR BODY, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE IF ANYTHING? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF SOMEONE LIED TO YOU FOR 6 MONTHS STRAIGHT? WHAT'S THE ONE "GOOD" THING YOU'VE EVER DONE? WHAT'S THE NICEST THING YOUR MOM EVER DID FOR YOU?


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

9-10 May

Yesterday we had an awesome presentation by Stay Sharp through Teen Challenge. It was awesome!
Today the students read on their own chapter 10 while I continued grading their research papers.
No vocab or health article was assigned just yet.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 May 11

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Journal entry: what is one of the most awesome things your mom (or mom-like person) has ever done for you? (what made you say: dang! My mama, tia, nana is so awesome! Today the students were given the opportunity to make up a selected few assignments that they are currently missing for half credit. The work is due tomorrow regardless of attendance and NO work will be accepted after the bell rings for each class. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! They will have time in class tomorrow to complete the assignments