Today the students and I began reading Chapter oops, I forgot. Well it was page 562? Well anyway, we began reading the Alcohol chapter. The students summarized both sections 1 and 2 that we covered, and depending on attendance we may have a video tomorrow. I'm working on the vocab, because I'm trying to change it up. Give me a minute. Should be done/in my head and on paper by tonight. Either way, it's still gonna be due on Friday.
Here are the vocab words... Intoxication, Adverse, Dependence, Renal, Psychosis, Convulsion, Blackout, Intervention, Compulsion, Tremor. You are to supply legitimate definitions for all 10, as well as put DEFINE each word in YOUR OWN words and then you are to illustrate(draw a picture) of 1 of the words of your choice. Takes some thought, but you can do it.