Wednesday the students had a journal entry that asked them to talk about how they felt about fad diets specifically spoke about the lady who dieted on only Starbucks for 2 years to lose weight. They then worked on Chapter 8's Chapter Review #'s 1-9. writing out or paraphrasing the questions as always for full credit that is! EARLY OUT!!!
Thursday-Trivia and then they worked on the Fitness/Health related product with one partner or solo. The item can be real or imagined and contain the following: Specify audience (who is it for?)
The price
Description/how it works
Where is it available.
They worked on this the entire class period and were encouraged to work on it at home too but will have time in class tomorrow to make it "pop" with color and style! ha ha ha. It is due at the end of the class period on FRIDAY.....Guess what else is due on FRIDAY!? You guessed it! VOCAB!!! don't forget the sentences!!!!!
Facebook page coming this weekend. Like it!!!!