Friday, August 24, 2012

24 August 2012

Today in class the students had a Journal Entry: Why do you or don't you support our athletic teams? Where is your school spirit?  After they did the journal entry, they were grouped in groups of three to for reading triads. They were to assign a READER, SCRIBE and a SUMMARIZER  for each group. They were assigned a set number of pages per group and were meant to keep notes on one single sheet of paper. The idea is that we will come together on Monday and the groups will present their information for the entire class to take notes on their summaries and such. 
I collected the vocab and rewarded the A students with a homemade treat. The grades were updated and printed out. Passes will be passed out on Monday. 

*if you were not present on Friday, your work is due on Monday first thing, and you may want to access the text book on line as you now know how, in order to keep in line with the other students.