Friday, August 31, 2012

31 August 2012

Today the kids presented their health articles to the class.  They were going to go outside if they reached 70% participation. The only class to reach it was 4th period.  Next week the class will have vocab due on Friday.  It will be assigned on Monday.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

30 August 2012

Today in class the students had a journal entry: that asked if they found a roach in their dinner while dining at a friend's house, what would they do? 
They then finished working on their crossword from yesterday.  We went over most of the answers with me "helping" them complete it.  They then worked on Chapter 5 (nutrition) Chapter review in the text # 1-12 RTF 4,7 +10.  Don't forget that if you did not get to finish that you can access the book from the internet using the link from the previous blog posts.  Gustavo...I swear I will answer your emails from here on out! :) Health articles due tomorrow. Let's go outside!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

29 August 2012

Today in class we finished going over the information that was summarized from the day before. They also had a trivia question that asked about the name of the current hurricane that is making landfall in the Gulf Coast right now (Isaac).  I also handed out a Nutrition crossword that will be due tomorrow.  *REMINDER* HEALTH ARTICLES ARE DUE ON FRIDAY! IF YOU AREN'T SURE OF YOUR SELECTION....ASK ME BEFORE FRIDAY!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

28 August 2012

Today in class the students had a JOURNAL ENTRY: How do you feel about Lance Armstrong losing all of his medals and awards for biking coincidentally as he withdrew his team from fighting the allegations about him doping in his sport.
I then collected the counts for both their journal and trivia entries for the upcoming progress reports that are due on Wednesday.  Then we went over the summarized infomation about the Nutrition chapter as well. 
Students are reminded that their health articles are due on FRIDAY with no exception!

Monday, August 27, 2012

27 August 2012

Today the students had a TRIVIA question that asked about Neil Armstrong's death this past weekend.  The students then grouped up in their triads as they had done on Friday to finish up their note taking from their group reading.  1st period actually wrote their summaries on the board, while the other class periods wrote their notes on the news print. We will go over the summaries tomorrow as a group in order for the rest of the groups to be able to take notes on the chapter. The grades were updated and current grades are posted. They were also passed out their passes for last week's attendance.
I also made a point to tell them that they will lose their bell work points for each tardy that they accrue.  We are closing in on Progress, so I will be collecting their journal and trivia entries thus far. I will make a big difference in their current grades that for sure! Oh!!! Health Articles are due on FRIDAY!!!!! Do it today and turn it in, because if you get to 75% turn in rate, you will get to go outside as a reward!!!! Do it!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

24 August 2012

Today in class the students had a Journal Entry: Why do you or don't you support our athletic teams? Where is your school spirit?  After they did the journal entry, they were grouped in groups of three to for reading triads. They were to assign a READER, SCRIBE and a SUMMARIZER  for each group. They were assigned a set number of pages per group and were meant to keep notes on one single sheet of paper. The idea is that we will come together on Monday and the groups will present their information for the entire class to take notes on their summaries and such. 
I collected the vocab and rewarded the A students with a homemade treat. The grades were updated and printed out. Passes will be passed out on Monday. 

*if you were not present on Friday, your work is due on Monday first thing, and you may want to access the text book on line as you now know how, in order to keep in line with the other students.  

Thursday, August 23, 2012

23 August 2012

Today in class, the students had a JOURNAL ENTRY: What was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you in your life.
They were also allowed to finish working on their SSR Vocab for the first 10 minutes of class. After they finished the SSR vocab, we began reading Chapter 4 (nutrition) as a group. We read the 1st lesson and down to Fiber. The students were asked to list in their summary log some of the bullet statements from the chapter. 

Get ready to get your TAYLOR SWIFT ON!  You know what's up!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

22 August 2012

Today the students had to turn in their blog online quiz assignment today. We also had SSR today with the students finding 10 unfamiliar words to define and use in sentences. If they didn't finish they will have 10 minutes tomorrow to finish.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

21 August 2012

Today the students had a Nutrition Pre-test that we took after they finished their JOURNAL ENTRY: I read them the story of Sean O'Hair and his abusive dad, and asked them to respond to the story. 
I reminded the students that their vocab is listed on the blog and is DUE on Friday. Also that the blog assignment is due to my inbox by 1st period tomorrow morning -NO exceptions. I went over the directions once again on how to get to this via the blog's directions. 
I also mentioned to them the idea of me purchasing their book review books from them if they decide they don't want to hold on to them after they've initially read them. At a hugely discounted price of course! :)  And I suggested they check out Bookman's and Goodwill for the titles that may fit their fancy.  We are doing SSR tomorrow, so the students should have books in hand and be ready to go.  There just might be another book check. (wink wink, nudge nudge)

Monday, August 20, 2012

20 August 2012

Vocab was assigned: Nutrition, Calorie, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Bypass, Sodium, Carbohydrate, Creatine, Fiber and Nutrient. The words are to be defined an used in a health related sentence. A GOOD health related sentence! 
Blog assignment: see below. Once you get there, you want to complete

Go to

Select your state (AZ)

click student/parent

select health/fitness from drop down menu

click enter

Select High School health

select 2007

click on Student center

from this area you can select the activities we went over in class, like on-line quizzes, flash cards, puzzles etc. (here is where you want to go for the online quiz that you are going to send to me once you check your score) My email is 
The following directions are how to actually view the text book page by page.
If you want to get to the actual text do this:

Click on the Online Student Edition

Click it again on the right side

will ask for this access code (F9E366EBB5) <- write this in your composition book too!