Wednesday, September 18, 2013

18 Sept 2013

Today the students presented their health articles to the class. The tests were graded and passed back. The online assignment was due today and will no longer be accepted. You are once again, reminded to check this page often.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

17 sept 2013

Yesterday the kids had a journal entry asking how they felt about the tough golf dad. They also had a pop quiz over chapter 5. Today they did the repeat test of chapter 5. *take the chapter 5 online quiz. Scores 70% or better will receive a free HOMEWORK pass!* Email verification must be received by 3:10 on Wednesday, NO EXCEPTIONS

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3-4 Sept 2013

Yesterday and today we worked on finishing chapter 5. They had a trivia yesterday and a journal entry today which asked if they felt that the fast food industry has caused America's obesity epidemic? They finished working on their book work today. Passes and grade reports were handed out today as well. They are to be turned in by Friday for 5 points.

Friday, August 30, 2013

30 August 2013

Today the students worked on finishing reading chapter 5 and began working on the chapter review recalling the facts questions numbers 1-3,4,7 and 10 I believe, they are to write out the questions or paraphrase the questions for full credit. If it was it completed in class they are to finish it at home using the textbook online. The work is due on Monday NO EXCUSES!!! Vocab should have been turned in today as well.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

28 August 2013

Today the kids had SSR and had vocab assigned which is due Friday. They must define and use each word in a health related sentences for full credit. The journal entries and what not were collected if you did not turn them in yesterday, and the missed presentations were completed today as well. Grades were posted and and updated as well.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

27 August 2013

Today the kids had a journal entry which asked you if you would choose to be rich and illiterate or poor and educated which would you choose? I collected their journals you should have 7 they are listed on this Facebook page and the blog, and the grades were updated and posted. did the kids present it there a melanoma questions. Bring something to read tomorrow, we'll have ssr for a few minutes.

Friday, August 23, 2013

23 August 2013

Because I like you guys so much I'm giving you til NOON Saturday to email that quiz to me. Tell your friends/classmates! See ya chicos!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

22 August 2013

Today the kids had a trivia question followed by reading an article about melanoma and sun protection. They worked in pairs and were assigned a few questions to answer. They began working on their presentations for their questions (being either a PSA or a poster. They are going to finish their project tomorrow and present them on Monday.

22 August 2013

Today the kids had a trivia question followed by reading an article about melanoma and sun protection. They worked in pairs and were assigned a few questions to answer. They began working on their presentations for their questions (being either a PSA or a poster. They are going to finish their project tomorrow and present them on Monday.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

21 August 2013

Today we finished reading chapter 14 of the text. The students that need to retake the chapter 1 test, you must take it tomorrow at lunch time. Big ups to JZ for the funny about me learning Spanish from Espanol sin barreras! That was funny! HEY!!! Access the text on line and complete the chapter 14 online quiz and email it to me at: quizzes must be received no later than 8 am Friday morning. Do it! And tell your friends/classmates. This is for credit!!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

19 August 2013

Today in class we had a trivia question (what is melanoma). We began to read chapter 14(skin) and had lots of discussion. Grades were updated and posted.

Monday, August 12, 2013

12 August 2013

Today we had a trivia question...well 6th period had one. Thanks D.C.! ;-) We also went over the remainder of the general health info and the book work. Making the grade is updated and report will be printed tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

7 August 2013

Hey kids! Yesterday we worked on reading and summarizing chapter 1, and putting your summaries on paper. You also had a journal entry asking you to respond to celebrity treatment in the justice system. You worked in groups of two and three. Today (Wednesday) you have a sub and you are going to finish writing your summaries today and then work on the chapter review. Recalling the facts #'s 2,4,5,6+8. You have to write out the questions or paraphrase for full credit. You also have a trivia question.

Friday, August 2, 2013

2 August 2013

Hey kids!!! Welcome to the new school year! I'm excited to get to know each and every one of you this semester/year! We are going to have a good time and we'll all learn lots!  Please remember to like the page and also make note of the blog as well. Pm me your name, class period and one thing you are "excited" to learn about. Blog users, email me at There will be something in it for you ;) 
Have a great safe weekend!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Yesterday the kids finished presenting their notes to the class and had a trivia question. I'm going to compile the notes and get them to you in some format. Maybe a online note or something. Today the kids had a JOURNAL ENTRY: If you were to receive a small box delivered to you at this time, who would you like it to be from and what would it contain? We had a spelling quiz, and they read a short article from Current Health on Arthritis and summarized it in their summary logs in their composition books. They were assigned an online quiz for Chapter 4 which will take the place of the Chapter review for this unit and it is due to me tomorrow. Grades are current and posted.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

12 Feb 13

Today the students worked on putting their notes from the Triad on paper to share with the class as a whole.  Health Articles are due on Friday.  Here is the video on the High School Football player who died after drinking energy drinks. Book check tomorrow! Bring your review book or any literature for SSR tomorrow. Points will be assessed.
E:60 clip

Monday, February 11, 2013

12 Feb 13

Today the kids worked in triads to read chapter 4 on fitness. The kids will share their information with the class tomorrow. They had a journal entry: IF YOU COULD TAKE A ONE MONTH VACATION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, WHERE WOULD YOU GO AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

Friday, February 8, 2013

8 Feb 2013

Today the students started out with a trivia question and then we went over how to calculate your BMI's(body mass index) and we learned about heart rate and how to calculate your resting heart rates as well. Vocab was turned in as well. Health articles are due next week. ALSO...BOOK REVIEW BOOK CHECKS ON MONDAY! Get a book, read a book, bring a book! Notes will be up in a few.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Feb. 7, 2013

Today was parent teacher conferences so we had an early out day today. I had a few parents show up which was great! I love meeting parents. We also had a JOURNAL ENTRY that asked what they would do with 14.6 million dollars, based on the Hate Mail From Cheerleaders story on Latrell Sprewell. Also asked the students for their bout on what they they would like to cover in the next fitness unit. VOCAB is due tomorrow.


I forgot to post yesterday, but we had the test covering Nutrition and Health. Parent teacher conferences are tonight and I hope you and your parents will stop by. Here are the vocab words for the week, also due tomorrow with definitions and sentences for full credit. Overload, flexibility, deyhration, intensity, metabolism, glucose, training, aerobic, anaerobic, composition Words are to be defined and used in health related sentences for full credit and are due TOMORROW!

Monday, February 4, 2013


This is the link to the Team Hoyt video i told you all about, and we read about in Hate mail From Cheerleaders

4 Feb 2013

Today we went over what is going to be on Wednesday's test over nutrition and health. I listed on the board the journal entries that should be in the composition books by TUESDAY: 1. Goal setting 2. Best day with family 3. PE in the schools/ obesity 4. Celebs and the justice system 5. Team Hoyt story 6. Amphi fiasco 7. 127 hours story (Aaron ralston) Probably NOT IN THAT ORDER, BUT CLOSE. We also had vocab assigned: I have to get back to you on that one.....hold the phone. ;)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30 Jan 2013

Today the students had a sub. They read chapter 6 and were to complete #'s 1-3 for all three lessons.

Monday, January 28, 2013

28 Jan 13

Today the students watched a video called I eat 33,000 calories a day. They were required to take notes in their note section of they're composition books. If you were absent you need to make up the notes by doing a health article on obesity or nutrition. Just summarize the article. No presentation needed. They had a trivia too

Thursday, January 24, 2013

23 Jan 2013

Oops! it seems I only posted the Vocab on the Blog page. My bad kids! Well, anyway remember that it is due tomorrow on time and ALL of you better get it done! If you get 70 percent of the enrolled number of students turning in the work, you can count yourselves in for a FREE DAY! Inside or outside, you guys can vote on that. Let's just shoot for EVERYONE doing their work huh? So, today we had a Journal entry asking the kids their feelings on the happenings at Amphi H.S that is in the news. We then went over some nutrition information as well, with a Nutrition Pre test and and ingredient recognition questionnaire.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

22 Jan 13

Today the students finished working on finishing up reading Chapter 5 and worked on the Chapter 5 Chapter Review RTF #'s 1,3,4,6,7+10 they are to write out or paraphrase the questions for full credit.  Vocab words were also assigned and due on Friday. The extra credit donations to the classroom are due on Friday instead of yesterday because of the holiday mix up.  They had a journal entry that asked them about how they felt about celebrities and the justice system.   

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday 1/16/13

First off, I've heard from a number of students that the textbook will not load the actual text to your home computer. My summation is probably that your computer operating system is not compatable with the site. You should however, rest assured in needing to use the text on line anyway as we will have ample time in class to work. If you work hard, you should have no problem.
I don't think you will have much problem getting to the online quizzes and such for me though, we will check on that in a bit.

Today, we had a trivia question about Lance Armstrong and then we discussed genetic traits and worked with the punnet square.  And also the students were given a list of Dominant genetic traits and told them to go home and see what they can see. :)

Here's a link to the Huntington's disease story I was telling you about:,,20137567,00.html

Here's the outcome of her story:

Turns out, there is a 3rd son who has also began to show signs of Huntington's disease as well.

Friday, January 11, 2013

11 Jan 2013

Today the students had a Journal Entry : What was the best day you ever had with an adult in your life? If you've not had one, what would you hope for?
We then read the rest of Chapter 1 and began working on the Chapter Review Recalling the Facts Questions #1-9. They are now and FOREVER more to write out the questions or paraphrase the questions to all of the assigned questions in order to earn full credit.  The Syllabus and health history was passed out to the newbies and students are reminded to turn them in by wednesday (syllabus is Exc) Don't forget to turn your extra credit donation to the classroom by the 22nd, and get your book for the book review. I will post some suggested titles for the book review that is EXTRA CREDIT and DUE at the end of the quarter.


Go to

Select your state (AZ)

click student/parent

select health/fitness from drop down menu

click enter

Select High School health

select 2007

click on Student center

from this area you can select the activities we went over in class, like on-line quizzes, flash cards, puzzles etc. (here is where you want to go for the online quiz that you are going to send to me once you check your score) My email is
The following directions are how to actually view the text book page by page.
If you want to get to the actual text do this:

Click on the Online Student Edition

Click it again on the right side

will ask for this access code (F9E366EBB5) <- book="book" composition="composition" in="in" span="span" this="this" too="too" write="write" your="your">