Thursday, September 29, 2011

29 Sept 11

Today, since most of the kids were not prepared to present their health articles I allowed them to work on their Test/presentation. They had to show marked progress on it in order to leave the classroom. This is the last day in class that they will have to work on it, it is due on Monday. Regardless of whether their partners are present, they must be presented on Monday.
JOURNAL: How would feel if I docked your grade for saying God Bless You in class after someone sneezed. (a California Health teacher has done this to his students claiming that it causes disruptions)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

26-28 Sept

Sorry I've not updated the blog for a couple of days. My bad! Here's what's been happening. Thursday the kids had a sub and were supposed to work on Chapter 6 but that did not happen, they were read from Jacee Dugard's book instead.
So Friday we began reading Chapter 6 and they had a Journal Question that asked: Would you not bathe or shower, or brush your teeth for 3 months for 20,000 dollars.
Monday we finished reading the chapter.
Tuesday they worked on completing the chapter review RTF 1-12 and it was due at the end of class. Wednesday they worked in pairs on their Test Presentation for Monday. We went to the library to help gather information. Thursday the HEALTH ARTICLE IS DUE!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

21 Sept

Today the students were read a story from Hate Mail From Cheerleaders about obesity, nutrition and physical activity in kids. I asked them to respond to the reading by either talking about one of those topics. We also had a pop quiz today covering the first two chapters that we have covered. Vocab is due on Friday.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20 Sept 11

Today the students were reminded to take down the vocab words that are listed on the board. They are reminded to include definitions and sentences. They watched I Eat 33,000 calories a day. If you missed the video, you can do a health article dealing with nutrition or obesity to make up for the missed points. As the students had to take notes for credit. Tomorrow is SSR.

Monday, September 19, 2011

19 Sept 11

Today the kids had a trivia question. They will have vocab assigned today: Ailment, Belch, Carotid, Duress, Erratic, Famine, Humiliate, Wither and Vocation. They are to define each word and use each in a health related sentence.

We also went over the BMR Calculation:

wt/2.2 = ___ kg
Ht (in feet) convert to inches (multiply by 12)
convert inches to meters (divide by 39.4)
square meters

Friday, September 16, 2011

16 Sept 11

today the students did a short Journal/writing assignment that asked: WHAT DO YOU NEED TO GET A GOOD EDUCATION? environment, social, physical, mental, emotional?
They then presented their health articles.

remember if you are not present on the day of the health article must be prepared to present on MONDAY....NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!

Excused absence work is due to me within the number of days you were absent. I.E. gone one day, you have one extra day to complete the assignment.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

15 Sept

Today is parent teacher conferences so it was a short day today. The students worked on the chapter 5 chapt review #'s 1-12 RTF 4,7,10 adn stp 1-2. They did not have to write out the questions this time. HEALTH ARTICLE DUE TOMORROW.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

14 Sept

Today we finished reading the Nutrition chapter (chapter 5). The students were allowed to work on their classwork when they were done reading the chapter. The grades were updated and posted. They had a JOURNAL ENTRY -WOULD YOU ACCEPT $1 MILLION TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY AND NEVER RETURN? WHERE WOULD YOU RELOCATE? IF NOT, WHY NOT?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

12-13 Sept

Monday and Tuesday we worked on reading chapter 5 (nutrition) in our texts. The tests were passed back and the students that are required to re-take the test will do so by tomorrow LUNCH TIME. The students that want to improve their grade will also have until tomorrow (wednesday). They had a journal entry Monday as well, which asked: If you could take a 1-month trip anywhere in the world(money is no object), where would you go and what would you do?

Friday, September 9, 2011

9 Sept 11

Today I went over my class expectations once again. Urging the use of the class blog. This Blog! I've urged them to utilize this blog as a means to help keep them on track with what's going on in class in case they are absent. I've only had a few students tell me that they are indeed checking this site often. I reminded them of the rules I've set forth for the class as well as any discipline strategies I might employ. I also urged them to get reading their books for extra credit. The book reviews are due on 24 SEPTEMBER 11. They must be typed for credit. I will NOT accept hand written work.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

8 Sept

Today the students had a test covering Chapter 1 and some questions from the movie Sicko. They had a Journal entry: If you could choose the manner of your death, what would it be and why?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

7 Sept

Today the students worked on a writing prompt that stated: You go home to find your bags packed and the locks changed and no one home. What happened? The students were to tell the fictional backstory that led to this happening. They had to write one page and had the length of the class period to complete the assignment. They also had a trivia question.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

6 September

Today we did some housekeeping to get everything in order. I made sure I had all the students Journals and trivia collection. I gave out information for the Health and Wellness Camp in late September. I gave out passes for last weeks attendance, and we went over the chapter 1 text questions. They were also assigned VOCAB that I have previously listed here, but here they are again: Abattoir, Bulimia, Candro, Daze, Emphysema, Foe, Gluten, Holistic, Illegible and Jurisdiction. The words are to be defined and written in health related sentences as much as possible. They are still due THIS Friday.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

1 Sept 11

Today we finished Sicko and the kids had a trivia question. They were also reminded for the umpteenth time that their health articles are due on Friday. Also that they may want to consider doing the book review for extra credit.