Thursday, March 24, 2011

23-24 Mar

Wednesday the students turned in their vocab. If they reached 70% participation they were given a free day, if not the students that did not do their work walked the track for the class period.
Thursday the students worked on the chapter review for chapter 22. #'s 5-11 and RTF 2,5,7 +8 STP 1+2

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

22 Mar

Today the kids had a trivia question about Salvia. They also were asked to finish their note taking summaries from Chapter 22. Their Vocab is due tomorrow, and the notes from the chapter will be collected for points tomorrow. Also, the class picture was taken today...Monkey was present too! :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

21 Mar 11

Today the students began reading Chapter 22 (pg 562) their assignment was to read and summarize each section in their note section of their composition books for credit. The quarter grades were posted, seats changed and discussion about the final outcome of grades for the quarter was had. They had a JOURNAL Entry: that asked if they would choose to have plastic surgery or have the services of a chaffeur, maid, cook or secretary for five years? Why or why not?
VOCAB ASSIGNED: Militia, necessity, obstruction, pharmaceutical, rhetorical, seclude, thrice, uproar, viable, wither, yarmulke. Words are to be defined and used in sentences for full credit.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

15-16 Mar 11

Yesterday the students and I went over some alcohol information. The health article was assigned for Thursday (tomorrow). Wednesday the students went over more alcohol information as well. Monday I was out and the students worked on Chapter 8's review questions from RTF #'s 7-12 and STP #'s 1+2.
Grades will be updated on Thursday as the Quarter ends on Friday. Students are reminded that this is a SEMESTER class and poor performance first quarter can be overcome by a stellar second quarter performance. DON'T GIVE UP YET!!!!! YOU CAN STILL DO IT!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 Mar 11

Today the students had a trivia question. They also had an Essay that asked: How I feel about teachers losing their jobs because of poor student achievement. Essay must be one page in length and will be graded on content.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9 Mar 11

Today the students turned in their vocabulary and worked on any other work they needed to complete or read for the remainder of the day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

8 Mar 11

Today the students had a Journal Entry that asked: Is there anyone in the world that you would give an organ to? who and under what circumstances would that occur.
They also worked on completing the Chapter review for Chapter 21 on Pg 558. The assignment was 1-9 and RTF 2,4,9 and 10. They were to write out or paraphrase each of those questions for full credit.
Tomorrow their vocab is due, and if they reach 80% turn in rate, they will have Friday to work on any work they may have missed for half credit.

Monday, March 7, 2011

7 March 11

Today the classes finished watching Thank You for Smoking. I collected the journal entries of those that were not present on Friday, Health articles were presented by those same students and notes were collected from the movie for points. The vocab was assigned today and is due on Wednesday. If the students reach 80% on Wednesday they will receive a free day on Friday to work on any missing assignments for half credit. The words are: aerate, bigamy, circumcision, dictator, edema, fibrous, gimmick, histrionics, ignoramus, jinx, kibbutz, leprosy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

4 Mar 11

Today the students presented their health articles, I collected their trivia and journal assignments. The vocab due next WEDNESDAY is: 1. Aerate, bigamy, circumcision, dictator, edema, fibrous, gimmick, histrionics, ignoramus, jinx, kibbutz, leprosyd their health articles, I collected their journal and trivia assignments. The words are to be defined and use in a sentence for full credit.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3 Mar 11

We've had a lot going on the last couple of days. We had Rodeo Break at the end of the month, and we just had AIMS testing Tues and Wednesday of this week. So the class on Monday read the first sections of Chapter 20 (tobacco) and then with AIMS we began watching Thank You For Smoking. Today (Thursday) we nearly finished the movie. The students had a JOURNAL ENTRY: That asked their opinion on smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco.
I will be collecting the Journal entries tomorrow and the students were encouraged to seek out this site to make sure they had all the journal entries given, and reminded that each journal entry needs to be one paragraph in length for full credit.
Health Articles are due tomorrow, as I made an exception for the AIMS testing this week. Grades were updated and posted today.